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Coaching with Norfolk County Council

Another success for TenderHelp! Due to the considerable experience and commitment of our excellent team, we were successful in procuring a place on a business coaching framework with Norfolk County Council.

We are pleased to be coaching SMEs in Norfolk and Suffolk in Bid Writing and Procurement. The Innovation Grant Mentoring Project is managed by Norfolk County Council, funded by the Council and New Anglia LEP, in partnership with the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor, Growth Hub, Enterprise Europe Network, Hethel Innovation, the Knowledge Transfer Network, MENTA, New Anglia LEP, Offshore Renewables Catapult, Suffolk County Council, University of East Anglia, and the University of Suffolk.

We are now working with Norfolk County Council to help SMEs in Norfolk and Suffolk to win grant funding and procure contracts for their businesses. We have already supported several businesses on this framework and continue to help and support others.

Small businesses have gone through unprecedented challenging times during Covid and the cost of living / doing business crisis. Being able to put tools in place, and to offer support in procuring contracts that offer stability to local businesses, is something we are fully behind. We will work tirelessly to ensure our community businesses thrive

The project is designed to provide peer to peer support within the business community and to utilise the expertise and innovation grant experience by use of coaches. This is where TenderHelp come in, we aim to encourage, inspire and support entrepreneurs and SMEs, new to innovation, to apply for grants. Collectively with the project partners we aim to support and encourage businesses across Norfolk and Suffolk with the intention to promote the benefits of innovation grant funding or other innovation support schemes.

We have experience of working in a range of sectors, successfully applying for a variety of innovation funding streams. Our Director, Kyle Jameson, was also a guest speaker at the East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) SNS Energy Integrated in the East event, sharing expertise and experience relating to innovation grant applications, bid management, and business development.

We provide bespoke, in-depth support and detailed grant application and bid writing training as part of the project. This includes working with businesses to develop bidding strategies and training programmes tailored to their needs, overcome common challenges, share expertise to create best practice templates, and share top tips and successful approaches.

We are immensely proud to be part of this new scheme and look forward to supporting local businesses.

Article written by:

Kyle Jameson

Kyle is the founder and director of TenderHelp.

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